Monday, July 19, 2010

I Ain't Wealthy, but You May be

I'm thirty-five years old,
spent my whole life working
in music and high end audio

I can build a stereo system for you
that would make you forget you're listening
to loudspeakers at home...

Paint you a holisonic image of the artist
right there, standing in front of you

I will work my ass off for you, whether you're
a high-level music executive, film producer,
or simply a high profile guy who needs a pro
who knows how to get their back.

and yet here I sit, feeling sorry for myself,
because I put my trust and faith in somebody
other than myself and I'm the one who's royally


But, fuck, I'm in Los Angeles Now baby...

So who needs somebody like me?

I've worked for people they make movies about,
and with people they write books about,

so which one are You?


  1. Fucked? You? Noooo! That's just a thought in your head that's worrying you over the future. And we all know there is no future, only now!;) Someone who has a beautiful brain and soul like yours will never be fucked :)

  2. WoW. thanX! I wholly appreciate the thought, the confidence, and the words.

  3. Michael, I don't know you all that well, yet. But, you obviously have a gift, a talent and skills, and the passion and knowledge to share them. To me that spells endless opportunity.

    I know from experience that it's difficult during times like these to remember, but our outlook and the energy we put out determine what comes our way and which direction we move into.

    So, I try to keep my mind and heart filled with what I know I offer, where I know I want to be and focused on the good things the future can bring. Bringing the past, the doubt and the energy of your current situation into it will only bring those things into your future. I know....easier said than done!

    I'll be keeping thoughts of your fantastic future.

  4. ThanX Dorelle for the passionate response. I hear you, completely. This is an exercise is getting out those thoughts, and allowing myself to blow... In order to wake up feeling like I deserve the next big thing. PLUS - it was the saddest day on the Jewish calendar yesterday, and we had an amazing night at shul, so I thought I'd contribute this way.

    I'm keepin goin, and thanX so much for reading!!

  5. Michael,
    You have talent along with that sensible head & a warm heart. People like us may have a long start but when we start we start STRONG!

    Praying for your success & much much more of it!

    Sid (from FB)
